Monday 10 May 2021

How many kilometres does it take these plants to get to earth

 1.Venus lies 162 Million miles 261 million kilometers ,away according to NASA.

Venus takes about 224.7 Earth days to travel around the sun.It makes its closest

approach to Earth about once every 584 days,when the plants catch up to one another.

2.Pluto at its most distant,when the two bodies are the opposite sides of the sun from one 

another, Pluto lies 4.67 billion kilometers  from Earth.


3.How far is Saturn from Earth you may ask? Saturn orbits the Sun at a mean distance of 

1,427,000,000 km 887 million miles.Its closest distance to Earth is about 1.2billion

km 746 million miles .

4.Sun the sun takes about 151.05 km to get to the earth.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

How many days it takes the following plants to orbit the planet

1.Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second smallest planet in the
Solar System.It takes 687 days to get around the sun.

2.Earth is closer  to the sun and revolves about 365 days.

3.So ho long does it take to get to Jupiter? Around 600 days if you want 
to just do a flyby and aren't planning to stick around

4.Mercury spins slowly compared  to Earth so one day lasts a long time.
It goes around the Sun in just 88 Earth days.

5.Saturn has the second-shortest day in the solar system.One day on Saturn
takes only 10.7 hours the time it takes for Saturn.It takes about 29 years.