Wednesday 19 August 2020

news actle

 1.sheet -weaver  spider swarm spins huge web

Thousands of sheet-weaver spiders ave been busily creating 

a rare natural sculpture in an Adelaide park.

2. Scientists rethink ancient wombat in new study

A gaint wombat the size of a black bear that roamed Austraila

25 million years ago  has been classified as a new category of

marsupial after  almost 50 years ago.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Dawn Raid Qestion


  1. A. What did Sofia get to do with Dad for her birthday? a garden

B. What did she think of it? she loved it

  1. Who did Sofia find inspiring and why?

  1. Draw a timeline of Sofias life 1964-1977

    1. A. What did Sofia get to do with Dad for her birthday?

    B. What did she think of it?

    1. Who did Sofia find inspiring and why?

    1. Draw a timeline of Sofias life

    1. What was the spelling rule her teacher told her that would help her to remember how to spell it correctly? 

    1. What is the Māori land march and how did Lenny describe it to his father so he would understand it was important a cloak it was a eriloom past many years

Friday 14 August 2020

News artcles

artle.1  Deinosuchus the masstive croc with banana sized teeth.An enormous prehistoric 

reptile called a terror crocodile with teeth as big as bananas preyed on dinosaurs 

according to the new study of fossils.

scientists have found 37 volcanoes on venus that appear to be recently ]

active and probably still exploding today.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

The process of makeing cheese

Step.1 start with fresh, warm milk Start With Fresh, Warm Milk

Step.2 Acidify the milk  
Step.3 Add Coagulant 

Step.4 Test the Gel Firmness

Step. 5 cut the Curd 
Cut the Curds
Step.6 Stir,cook and wash  the Curd 

Step.7 Drain the  CurdsDrain the Whey

Step.8 salt and Age the cheese 
Research Check: can eating aged cheese help you age well? | UNSW ...
And that is how you make cheese

Wednesday 5 August 2020

15 minte writeng

once upon a time there was a boy called jack.Jack liked makeing his ww2 moldel aircraft moldels.
Jack said my fvroute lane from ww is the supermarine spitfire.Jack explained the spitfire was the most well
known plane in the  battle of britain. The spitfire's enimany  was the messerschmitt Bf 109.The 
messerschmitt Bf 109 fighting in air with the spitfire back in 1940 when it was the battle britain.

Search Results

Web result with site links

Tuesday 4 August 2020

6 fact's about James cook

fact.1 did you know James cook joined the Royal Navy late in life.

fact.2 Cook was a expert mapmaker.

fact.3 Britain's  enemies respected cook 

fact.4 cook's ship the Endeavour  nearly sank near the great Barrier Reef.

fact.5 Cook helped pioneer new methods for warding off scurvy.

fact.6 Cook's first voyage included a secret mission from the british government.

fJames Cook | Biography, Voyages, Death, & Facts | Britannica